
Tatoo artists : 002


Customs and traditions of the islands.

It's in the past Polynesian tattooing is the most developed. These tribeaux marked signs of belonging to a social rank higher or lower.

Tattooing in these cultures were linked with the supernatural and the sacred. The baptism of the child, the tattoo and to register in the community, the individual must go through rituals imposed by the tribe, then it is a family and religious ceremony.

The Hindu Symbols

As Hinduism is the oldest religion on earth, it has more number of symbols Than other religions.
Each Hindu symbol has a different meaning and is used as a tattoo in Western countries As well as in India.

The Asian influence!

In Japan in the fifth century the tattoo was used to punish criminals with the aim to mark the individual for life. It was also used by prostitutes who tattooed themselves. (Arm hand, back or chest and even the face)
Thus the tattoo likened to the bad morals of society, do not have good press among the upper classes.
But this country of ancient traditions, inspired by its very codified civilization, all illustrators seeking symbols!

Suny by Suny : My only tattoo outlines the moral code
Martial Arts on a rising sun.
Shin Ghi Tai, a triple value is left of my years judo.
SHIN (moral value), GHI (technical value)
and TAI (physical value). An ideal target for life!

Wild West

From Asia for thousands of years, tattooing is prevalent in the amerindienne culture, especially among the Indians who use it to indicate their affiliation with the tribe.
With scarification, tattooing is a courageous as practiced here, with very painful techniques he displays proudly acts of war and hunting made.
It is also practiced by priests in shamanism, which carry the in representation of religious and spiritual scenes.

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